16 research outputs found

    Phase-lag effects in oscillatory sheet flow

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    A parameterization of flow separation over subaqueous dunes

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    Flow separation plays a key role in the development of dunes, and modeling the complicated flow behavior inside the flow separation zone requires much computational effort. To make a first step toward modeling dune development at reasonable temporal and spatial scales, a parameterization of the shape of the flow separation zone over two-dimensional dunes is proposed herein, in order to avoid modeling the complex flow inside the flow separation zone. Flow separation behind dunes, with an angle-of-repose slip face, is characterized by a large circulating leeside eddy, where a separation streamline forms the upper boundary of the recirculating eddy. Experimental data of turbulent flow over two-dimensional subaqueous bed forms are used to parameterize this separation streamline. The bed forms have various heights and height to length ratios, and a wide range of flow conditions is analyzed. This paper shows that the shape of the flow separation zone can be approximated by a third-order polynomial as a function of the distance away from the flow separation point. The coefficients of the polynomial can be estimated, independent of flow conditions, on the basis of bed form shape at the flow separation point and a constant angle of the separation streamline at the flow reattachment point. \ud \u

    Sheet flow and suspended sediment due to wave groups in a large wave flume

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    A series of sand bed experiments was carried out in the Large Wave Flume in Hannover, Germany as a component of the SISTEX99 experiment. The experiments focussed on the dynamic sediment response due to wave group forcing over a flat sand bed in order to improve understanding of cross-shore sediment transport mechanisms and determine sediment concentrations, fluxes and net transport rates under these conditions. Sediment concentrations were measured within the sheet flow layer (thickness in the order of 10 grain diameters) and in the suspension region (thickness in the order of centimetres). Within the sheet flow layer, the concentrations are highly coherent with the instantaneous near-bed velocities due to each wave within the wave group. However, in the suspension layer concentrations respond much more slowly to changes in near-bed velocity. At several centimetres above the bed, the suspended sediment concentrations vary on the time scale of the wave group, with a time delay relative to the peak wave within the wave group. The thickness of the sheet flow changes with time. It is strongly coherent with the wave forcing, and is not influenced by the history or sequence of the waves within the group. The velocity of the sediment was also measured within the sheet flow layer some of the time (during the larger wave crests of the group), and the velocity of the fluid was measured at several cm above the sheet flow layer. The grain velocity and concentration estimates can be combined to estimate the sediment flux. The estimates were found to be consistent with previous measurements under monochromatic waves. Under these conditions, without any significant mean current, the sediment flux within the sheet flow layer was found to greatly exceed the sediment flux in the suspension layer. As a result, net transport rates under wave groups are similar to those under monochromatic waves.\u

    Introduction to special section on marine sand wave and river dune dynamics

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    Marine sand waves and river dunes are rhythmic patterns, formed at the interface\ud between a sandy bed and turbulent flows, driven by tidal and river currents. Their origin, development, and dynamics are far from being fully understood. To enhance the discussion on this topic we organized the international conference Marine Sand Wave and River Dune Dynamics (MARID) in April 2004 in Enschede, Netherlands. Scientific papers that originated from the MARID conference are presented in this special section. This introduction places these papers in the context of recent progress

    Mobile-bed effects in oscillatory sheet flow

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    Field observations often show a considerable variation in mean grain size along the coastal profile. Under high waves in shallow water, bed ripples are washed out, and sheet flow becomes the dominant transport mode: large amounts of sand are transported in a thin layer close to the bed, i.e., the sheet flow layer. This paper focuses on grain size influences on transport processes in oscillatory sheet flow. Experiments were carried out in the Large Oscillating Water Tunnel (LOWT) of Delft Hydraulics, in which near-bed orbital velocities in combination with a net current can be simulated at full scale. Three uniform sands with different mean grain size were used. It was found that in contradiction to expressions found in literature, both the erosion depth and the sheet flow layer thickness are larger for fine sand (D 50 = 0.13 mm) than for coarser sand (D 50 ≥ 0.21 mm). Measured time-averaged velocity and concentration profiles indicate that the presence of a sheet flow layer leads to an increased flow resistance and to damping of turbulence and that these effects are stronger for a thicker sheet flow layer (i.e., for fine sand). These mobile-bed effects are analyzed further by comparing the measurements with the results of a one-dimensional vertical advection-diffusion boundary layer model. Simulating the mobile-bed effects in the model by introducing an increased roughness height and a reduced turbulent eddy viscosity showed that the roughness height is of the order of the sheet flow layer thickness and that turbulence damping increases for a decreasing grain size

    Modeling river dune evolution using a parameterization of flow separation

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    This paper presents an idealized morphodynamic model to predict river dune evolution. The flow field is solved in a vertical plane assuming hydrostatic pressure conditions. The sediment transport is computed using a Meyer-Peter–Müller type of equation, including gravitational bed slope effects and a critical bed shear stress. To avoid the necessity of modeling the complex flow inside the flow separation zone, we follow an approach similar to one used earlier to simulate the dynamics of wind-blown desert dunes. In case of flow separation, the separation streamline acts as an artificial bed and sediment avalanches down the leeside distributing evenly on the leeside at the angle of repose. Model results show that bed slope effects play a crucial role in the determination of the fastest-growing wavelength from a linear analysis. Flow separation is shown to be crucial to take into account if the dune lee exceeds a certain threshold slope. If flow separation is not included, dune shapes are incorrectly predicted and the dune height saturates at an early stage of bed form evolution, yielding an underprediction of dune height and time to equilibrium. The local bed slope at the dune crest plays a critical role for obtaining an equilibrium dune height. The simulation model is able to predict the main characteristics of dune evolution, such as dune asymmetry, dune growth, and saturation at a certain dune height. Dune dimensions, migration rates, and times to equilibrium compare reasonably well to various data sets